What are you looking in an ICO? Why Tezos failed!

Hey guys, Tezos is a perfect example of why your appraisal of any #startup should include looking at the maturity of team and their management experience – not just their expertise on the tools. Additionally, do not invest in uncapped #ICOs; teams must have a plan for funds, which includes a maximum amount needed.

What is your strategy on it?

submitted by /u/andreolf
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What are you looking in an ICO? Why Tezos failed! published first on http://ift.tt/2lZ6zaq

Author: Lendoco

I'm in process of teaching new entrepreneur's simple strategies for online success. It is a passion and personal goal of his to help the Internet Newbie master a simple marketing plan and to achieve the level of success that they desire by taking consistent daily action! To assist the seasonal and non-seasonal successful entrepreneurs how to increase their profits,and to expand their business by leveraging to power of the Internet! His passion for family, business, and faith is contagious.

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